Good Shepherd Class
Currently on break. Normally meets every Sunday at 11 a.m. after the "Time for Children" with Pastor Ken. This class provides Worship and Christian Education for children ages 3 to 5 years. The program stems from the
God’s Play program. Children are interested in God and their faith can be formed as they are invited into the Old and New Testament stories and parables. The storytelling method is visual, oral and kinesthetic. The program introduces to children and helps them get ready for Christian worship by gathering, listening, thanking and going, which mirrors the order of congregational worship. Children get to experience God through this program in biblical stories, parables, playing with story materials and reflecting art. We find the children are excited to attend and to relay the stories in their own way back to their parents.
Following Jesus Class
Currently on break. Normally meets every Sunday at 11 a.m. after the "Time for Children" with Pastor Jim. This class provides Worship and Christian Education for children ages 6 to 9 years. The program stems from the
God’s Play program and is an extension of the Good Shepherd Program. The Following Jesus storytelling method is visual, oral and kinesthetic and focuses on the New Testament stories and parables. The program provides a way for children to follow Jesus through biblical stories, which show who Jesus is, what he is teaching about the kingdom of God, why Jesus is calling people to follow him and what he is sending them into the world to say and do. Children love stories. When the biblical stories and parables come to life, children are full of wonder, awe and amazement. This is the way people responded around Jesus when he told a story or performed a miracle.
In both programs we look to create an environment where children can have their own faith and to know God, not just learn about God.
Church Contacts: Brenda Burkham and Katie Miller